Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Cietac Ethical Rules for Arbitrators Essay Example for Free

Cietac Ethical Rules for Arbitrators Essay 1. Each arbitrator shall independently and impartially hear cases on the basis of the facts, in accordance with the law, with reference to international practice and in compliance with the principles of fairness and reasonableness. 2. An arbitrator does not represent either party and shall remain independent of the parties and treat them equally. 3. No arbitrator on the Panel of Arbitrators may be appointed to a case once he/she has discussed the case with either party or given any advisory opinion about the case. 4. Unless otherwise agreed between the parties and the Tribunal during conciliation within arbitration, an arbitrator shall not meet either party independently to discuss the case or accept any materials relevant to the case. In any case, an arbitrator shall not accept any gift from either party. 5. An arbitrator shall disclose to International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (hereinafter ‘CIETAC’) his/her relationship with the parties if he considers that there is any conflict of interest or other relationship which may affect his/her impartiality, e.g. lineal consanguinity, obligations, proprietary and financial relationships, service and business relationships, and request voluntary withdrawal. 6. The arbitrators shall hear cases strictly in accordance with the procedure provided by the CIETAC Arbitration Rules, and shall give the parties full opportunity to state their case. 7. The arbitrators shall guarantee sufficient time for hearings and deliberations after the appointment, and the hearing should remain his/her top priority under all circumstances. Arbitrators shall inform the Secretariat immediately if any extraordinary circumstances arise. 8. The arbitrators shall carefully and conscientiously go through the entire documents and materials of the case and find out the main issues. 9. The arbitrators shall discuss the case and work out a plan before hearing the case, and the presiding arbitrator shall put forward a proposal as the basis for the discussion. The sole arbitrator shall work out a plan before the hearing where the arbitral tribunal is composed of one arbitrator. 10. The arbitrators shall stay impartial during the hearing, be wary of the way they ask questions and express opinions, avoid a premature decision on the key issues, and stay away from any argument or confrontation with the parties. 11. Immediately after the hearing, the presiding arbitrator shall preside over the deliberations and give his opinions for the next step in the procedure or the drafting of the final arbitration award. 12. The arbitrators, in particular the presiding arbitrator, shall control the whole process of the hearing, and keep it within the time limits provided by the CIETAC Arbitration Rules. 13. The arbitrators shall maintain strict confidentiality in the case, and shall not disclose to any outsiders any substantive or procedural matters of the case, including the facts, hearing procedure, content of the deliberations, etc. Neither shall he/she disclose his/her opinions or the details of the deliberation to either party. 14. An arbitrator is entitled and encouraged to participate in activities organized by CIETAC, concerning study or experience exchange between arbitrators. 15. An arbitrator who acts on behalf of CIETAC to take part in any meeting or activities related to arbitration or publish articles or give lectures shall obtain permission from CIETAC in advance.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Defining Family Essay -- Family Psychology

Determining family structure and dynamics as well as defining the family is a complex process. Personally, I come from a very traditional family. Much like the assumptions made by the students in the article Defining Family: Young Adults’ Perceptions of the Parent-Child Bond by Mellisa Holtzman (2008). This is what comes to mind when most people define family; a nuclear family, with married parents, and biological children. However, a family is a complex system and can take on many different forms. Today, in a world of the â€Å"postmodern family† the traditional lines of family structure are blurred. Children may come from diverse types of homes, or a couple, married or not may choose to have no children and consider themselves a family. The roots of these modern families may stem from ethnic origins, sexual orientations, or even seen as a rebellion of sorts from traditional ways. Children may live in homes of single parents, which is an exceedingly more common phenomenon as the divorce rate well publicized at around fifty percent. They may also live with homosexual parents either as a biological child of one partner or adopted by both. Also, the traditional married couple may choose to adopt locally or internationally, potentially blending ethnic backgrounds into one household. Whatever the background of the new nuclear family the challenges and experiences follow similar patterns. This change in family structure and definition has become a very public issue in recent years. According to the U.S. Census Bureau a family is defined as â€Å"two or more persons, including the householder, who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption, and who live together as one household† ( This legal... make dysfunctional environments. Whatever the common thread is that links an individual to their family should be recognized and supported as that is what has shaped us all. Works Cited Family - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (n.d.). Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online. Retrieved April 19, 2012, from Frequently Asked Questions - U.S Census Bureau. (n.d.). Census Bureau Homepage. Retrieved April 19, 2012, from Holtzman, M. (2008). Defining family: Young adults' perceptions of the parent-child bond. Journal of Family Communication, 8(3), 167-185. Stephen, A. O., & Sabatelli, R. M. (2007). Family interaction: a multigenerational developmental perspective. (4 ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Edu.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Direct Marketing-Facebook Essay

1a) Facebook generates a revenue of 2 billion dollars a year, yes it is free for user to join but that is where they generate there money from. With over 750 million active users Facebook make the majority of their money through advertising. The ads that appear on the right border of the screen. They gather all the information about you and accordingly they let the advertisement that they think you would be interested in appear for you on the screen, more like a tailor-made advertisement. Another way of making money is selling information on users the same way of Google, Google has planned to sell their information but Facebook did not. b) some of the very important features on social networking are User-centric interface for example Facebook’s front page is exemplary for an egocentric user interface. It provides detailed information about updates and notifications of a user and also provides a one-click-interface that makes it easy to update the current status, hide information provided by friends and it updates you about people a user may know or groups or conversations that the user may be interested in. Real time updates, One of the reasons why micro-blogging services have managed to take off over the last years, was their ability to bring the new, â€Å"real-time† dimension to the social interaction on the Web. Different from instant messaging where users were mostly focused on the two-way-conversations, Twitter & Co. delivered many-ways-conversations to the Web. Simple and Usable Forms, Web forms are probably the most important design element for social media and networking sites. Forms and inputs are used in everything from sign-up to search, log-in, replying to a post or adding some other content. Since forms are extremely important, they must be usable. 2) I would defiantly agree to start the loyalty card in my hypermarket. One of the most revenue generating businesses is the super and hypermarkets. I wouldn’t look a lot about the competition the main important thing if I do own a hyper market would be the location of my store, unless I have a good name like Lulu  or Union Coop I wouldn’t open my hyper market next to well known retail hyper market. Every store has its loyal customers, the people who live close to my store will prefer to come to mine than to go somewhere far to buy there needs, people now days tend to look for the easy way, so having a loyalty card is very beneficial for me and would make my customers comfortable and think that out of what they pay they can get something back even if its minor with this loyalty card. I believe that it would be a success because every retail store has got its own loyal customers and for those I can have loyalty cards which will help in keeping them as my customers and not think of going to any of my competitors. 3) it is a part of direct marketing, in-bound and out-bound idea has came up to improve relation ship with customer and try to help in making things easier for them. For example and in-bound call is when a customer calls in it can be an employee that answers â€Å"call center† and the customer gets the chance to ask anything he wants related to that firm can be a product that hes not happy with etc in this case of ADCB it is on call banking so he can ask to debit an amount onto another account or clear a doubt that he had etc. this would let the customer be more comfortable working with this bank and not forgetting how easy it is. Not having to go all the way to the bank branch in order to finish a transaction where you can just get it done in a call. And the better the employees of the call center are with the customers the stronger the relation ship gets between the bank and its customers.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Comments for Ruby Code (Usage, Single, and Multi-Line)

Comments in your Ruby code are notes and annotations meant to be read by other programmers. The comments themselves are ignored by the Ruby interpreter, so the text inside the comments isnt subject to any restrictions. Its usually good form to put comments before classes and methods as well any piece of code that may be complex or unclear. Using Comments Effectively Comments should be used to give background information or annotate difficult code. Notes that simply say what the next line of straightforward code does are not only obvious but also add clutter to the file. Its important to take care not to use too many comments and to be sure the comments made in the file are meaningful and helpful to other programmers. The Shebang Youll notice that all Ruby programs start with a comment that begins with #!. This is called a shebang and is used on Linux, Unix and OS X systems. When you execute a Ruby script, the shell (such as bash on Linux or OS X) will look for a shebang at the first line of the file. The shell will then use the shebang to find the Ruby interpreter and run the script. The preferred Ruby shebang is #!/usr/bin/env ruby, though you may also see #!/usr/bin/ruby or #!/usr/local/bin/ruby. Single-Line Comments The Ruby single-line comment begins with the # character and ends at the end of the line. Any characters from the # character to the end of the line are completely ignored by the Ruby interpreter. The # character doesnt necessarily have to occur at the beginning of  the line; it can occur anywhere. The following example illustrates a few uses of comments. #!/usr/bin/env ruby # This line is ignored by the Ruby interpreter # This method prints the sum of its arguments def sum(a,b)   Ã‚  puts ab end sum(10,20) # Print the sum of 10 and 20 Multi-Line Comments Though often forgotten by many Ruby programmers, Ruby does have multi-line comments. A multi-line comment begins with the begin token and ends with the end token. These tokens should start at the beginning of the line and be the only thing on the line. Anything between these two tokens is ignored by the Ruby interpreter. #!/usr/bin/env ruby begin Between begin and end, any number of lines may be written. All of these lines are ignored by the Ruby interpreter. end puts Hello world! In this example, the code would execute as Hello world!